Anton Webb



About me

My name is Anton, and I'm an aspiring Full Stack Developper. I can adapt to different situations and learn to use new tools quickly. I am also a Certified Scrum Master and can speak fluent French. I love to learn, and know how to code in Python, Java, HTML, and CSS. Additionally, I have created and released a cloud-backed to-do app for Android, available on the Google Play Store. I also have many personal & collaborative projects in the works. All my projects are open source so that people can learn and/or critique my code. I am currently enrolled in Mayden Academy, allowing me to shape my future career and become a Full Stack Developper.

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Created as part of my A-level coursework, Cascade was my first foray into software development. Written using (completely self-taught) Java & the Android Studio IDE, the source code is freely available on GitHub, and this application is one of my most ambitious and treasured projects to date. The app handles notifications, cloud-based reminders (Using Cloud Firestore), account creation for cross-platform saving (Also handled by Firebase). Google's developer tools (Firebase) have been fully implemented, allowing for database storage, account management, remote crashing reports, usage statistics, and more. The app is free (and always will be) to download from the Google Play Store using the button below.

Get it on Google Play Built with Firebase
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Cobra Paint.

Cobra Paint (named after the team that created it) is a creation tool, that includes a choice of any color imaginable, an eraser and 3 different canvas sizes (Similar to MS Paint). This was my very first team collaboration, as i worked with 7 other students to create this web app. You can check it out here.

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Project 3.

Some text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas officia magnam fugiat dolorem rem porro distinctio repellat necessitatibus odio, vitae, in error autem consequatur eum sequi, sit hic quae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt beatae ad, voluptatum illum, nemo at doloribus commodi omnis odit tempore magni impedit! Adipisci repellat ut autem neque repellendus rem nobis..

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Project 4.

Some text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas officia magnam fugiat dolorem rem porro distinctio repellat necessitatibus odio, vitae, in error autem consequatur eum sequi, sit hic quae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt beatae ad, voluptatum illum, nemo at doloribus commodi omnis odit tempore magni impedit! Adipisci repellat ut autem neque repellendus rem nobis..

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Project 5.

Some text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas officia magnam fugiat dolorem rem porro distinctio repellat necessitatibus odio, vitae, in error autem consequatur eum sequi, sit hic quae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt beatae ad, voluptatum illum, nemo at doloribus commodi omnis odit tempore magni impedit! Adipisci repellat ut autem neque repellendus rem nobis..

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Project 6.

Some text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas officia magnam fugiat dolorem rem porro distinctio repellat necessitatibus odio, vitae, in error autem consequatur eum sequi, sit hic quae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt beatae ad, voluptatum illum, nemo at doloribus commodi omnis odit tempore magni impedit! Adipisci repellat ut autem neque repellendus rem nobis..

Contact Me

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